For spirited women who dance to a different tune

Wellness for the Seasons

A new set of guides that help you work with the rhythm and resources of each season and ensure optimum health and vitality 

Programme 1

GETting the most out of Life this autumn

3 Guides on: Nutrition, Movement and Emotional Wellbeing

Join us In Conversation with the inspiring Dancing Chef and check out her soul-warming soup recipe.

The world is fascinated by the style of the Parisienne. But what are the secrets of the Parisienne to have such an envied style?

Make the most of Autumn! Purchase our new comprehensive guide to eat your way to health this Autumn.

Living with the rhythms of the seasons is an intelligent, simple and peaceful way to live.  We can gain so much solace, strength and inspiration by adapting ourselves to the Earth’s natural cycles and seasons.  In Chinese medicine it is believed that living in natural synthesis with the seasons is the single most important principle of health and healing.

Autumn, with its rich, slow beauty, is the best possible time to start a healing seasonal journey.  After the high energy of Summer, Autumn is all about consolidating, reflecting and turning inwards.  As nature starts its gentle slow down with fruits harvesting and trees shedding their leaves, what better time to reflect and reset our lives for optimum mind and body health and vitality.

GUIDE 1: Nutrition

Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. Our ‘Eating Well for Autumn Guide’ provides you with great ideas, insights and recipes to help you eat the very best food and spices for your mind and body during these Autumn days.


Integrating movement in to our lives is a lifelong activity and Autumn is a wonderful time to consider creating a seasonal exercise plan. This season encourages us to draw in, take care of our mind and body in a more gentle way and finder inner strength.


In these very tough times, our emotional wellbeing is key to our ability to navigate life’s challenges and to also ensure we can maintain optimum physical health. Taking care of ourselves is at the core of emotional wellbeing.


First lay the foundations for optimal physical and mental health

“As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colours enough to paint the beautiful things I see.”
Vincent Van Gogh

It is so hard to live life to the full, or to show up as our best possible selves in the World, without first investing in our emotional, physical and spiritual selves. 

Globally we are facing one of the worst physical, social and emotional challenges in decades, it is therefore more important than ever before that we seize back control by ensuring that our inner landscapes are as strong as they can be.

With these three guides we take a holistic look at the key pillars of health and vitality and we guide you on ways to build and strengthen these so that you are best placed to take opportunities that come your way or deal with challenges that are so much part of everybody’s life.  

We draw on the lessons from our ancestors, who often lived in harmony with the seasons, for example going to bed earlier as the nights draw in and eating a seasonal diet, to encourage you to take this season as a time to reset and reflect.  We will give you expert tips and advice on taking better care of yourself and on setting yourself up for success – whether you want to simply live better, are facing a new challenge or are keen to change your life completely. 

We hope these guides you will be set on the path to a brighter, more vibrant, more focussed future.  You will have at your fingertips a personalised holistic framework for good health.  You can use this to create an exercise regime that suits you and this season, a way of eating and drinking that is good for you and for our precious planet and a mindset and plan of how to live with purpose, peace and happiness

What is included in OUR GUIDES:

  • Immunity-boosting nutritional advice and guidance with delicious seasonal recipes to make best use of locally produced food and drink

  • A comprehensive guide to moving and taking care of your body during colder weather and tips and advice on healthy ageing

  • Detailed descriptions on how to improve how we use our physical, emotional and spiritual energy.  Exercises to identify where and when we are wasting energy and guidance on resetting our focus for more efficient living

  • Soothing, calm and kind meditations to help you navigate life’s challenges, aid more restful sleep and maintain a positive outlook.


  • Women who are looking for empowering guidance, expert advice and essential tools to empower them to live life to the full whatever their personal circumstances

  • Individuals in need of self-care techniques to help them set goals and plans for a more positive, vibrant and purposeful future

  • Any woman who has found their emotional, physical or spiritual self has been adversely compromised by the current pandemic

  • Women who want to live a more authentic, harmonious and peaceful life in harmony with the seasons

  • Any woman who wants to create healthy new habits and practices around self-care and self-nourishment so that you can live as fully as possible with full awareness

Get the Guides

Head over to the Rock My Age store to get the latest of our Autumn Wellness guides

About Debbie and Erika

Debbie and Erika have many years of experience of coaching women at all levels in how to get the most out of life.


Debbie is a former on -screen news journalist and for the past ten years has empowered women to use their voice in the most effective way across all platforms including video.  She draws on a background in dance and drama to encourage women to speak with passion, confidence and authenticity.  She is also an advanced Yoga Teacher in Seasonal vinyasa which involves individuals moving, living and eating according to the seasons.

Erika is an executive coach and facilitator specialising in conscious practices.
Drawing on 30 years in the corporate arena she helps individuals build greater levels of self-awareness to enhance decision-making, communication, relationships and trust. She is a Qualified Yoga and Meditation instructor and her work incorporates both individual and organizational energy systems for optimum performance and healing. Her work is systemic with a unique balance of cognitive and experiential.


All courses are underpinned by Debbie and Erika’s commitment to learning in a warm, supportive and non-judgemental manner.


Rock My Age does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical issues by your doctor either directly or indirectly.  Rock My Age’s intention is to offer information and self-help tools to help our readers to live life to the full.