In conversation with Cleona lira

Why are we women less likely to believe we can be wealthy and yet at the same time we can be more successful as investors. And given our reticence, why are more women engaging in sustainable investing?

Cleona Lira a Financial adviser specialising in building investment portfolios for women shares her perspectives on:

  •  Why women are more affected by climate change and therefore can benefit more from the impact of sustainable investing 

  • How ‘being stewards of the earth’ connects us more to the sustainable principles 

  • The barriers to us taking the first step; fear of making mistakes, shame around having more money than others, confusion around the financial process 

  • The virtue of patience and not over controlling the process - women tend to trust more which can reap greater rewards over the long term 

Cleona Lira, CPF

I felt a strong alignment between our own coaching ethos and the approach Cleona takes, particularly around the deep listening and non- violent communication which really helps to get the ‘why’ someone wants to invest and their deep beliefs around money. 

At a time when so many of us are working towards ‘planet positive’ it feels like a great time to be thinking about this topic. And perhaps as important - to ensure we get to feel more empowered and confident about the role money plays in helping us live life to the full💃

And for more information on Cleona’s approach to financial planning:

Please note: This interview reflects personal opinion & should never be considered as Financial advice.


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