In conversation with Tim Malnick
Are you putting off doing something in your life because you don't have enough money?
Do you have a figure in your mind that you need to achieve before you can give up work?
Do you worry about whether you are doing the right things with your money – planning well for the future?
Does your ability to manage your money - or not, and the lack of it, basically keep you up at night…. Do you have enough money to live the life you want to now and care for yourself as you get older?
Rest assured, these are the things that many of us women churn around in our minds. Money can be a wonderful tool to help us do the things we want to doing life, but our ideas about money can also hold us back and sometimes paralyse us from living the life we could.
My conversation on the role of money in our lives with Tim Malnick was an eye opener – and really got me thinking…
Tim who founded Different Space - is a coach, facilitator and a passionate activist on sustainability, runs money workshops that are focused on helping us become more conscious about how money impacts our lives. I really resonated with many of the themes Tim explores and the idea that understanding how we see money and how it links with many of our other mental constructs, determines whether we ‘live a rich life’ or not.
My own worry of not ‘doing the right thing with money’ I know, can really hold me back from being courageous in life and entrepreneurial in my work choices. And it’s interesting how these mental stories and beliefs we hold, often come from family or ancestors.
Breaking free from these patterns and catching ourselves when we dive down a hole with money, does come back to awareness of our own stories and beliefs.
Listen to our Podcast with Tim as a first step to; rewriting your stories about money, reframing the future and ultimately living life to the full.