Style & Beauty
An opportunity to reflect who we are at any given time in our life
It inspires us, it shapes us, it connects us
Style is a universal language for expressing personality and attitude. It can define cultural nuance, express our value and simply be a joy.
For us at Rocking the Journey – its all of these things and importantly an opportunity to reflect who we are at any given time in our life; what we like, the way we feel, the things that matter to us.
We will be sharing lots of style ideas, with weekly edits, designer features, product recommendations and interviews with leading lights in sustainable fashion and a personal styling service.
Style can help us lift us on a down day, it can help us get that much wanted job, feel confident on a first date or simply feel great hanging out at home – whatever it means for you we hope to cover much of it here at Rocking the Journey.
We would love to hear your thoughts on style – what is inspiring you, what frustrates you and what you love right now. Keep your thoughts coming…
The right information to make informed choices
We believe that beauty products, and the wonderful array of different make-up products now available, can play a really important role in helping us to show up as our best, most confident selves. Used in a joyful experimental way, we can enjoy the magic of this art as we enhance the beauty of our age. But only if we want to! Us women are wonderful unique human beings and the role that the beauty industry plays in our lives will be different for each of us.
Some of our community may simply want the latest facts on the products we need to keep our skin hydrated, nourished and protected. Some may want to make use of the increasingly sophisticated non-invasive cosmetic procedures available and others may want to consider some kind of cosmetic surgery.
Our ethos at Rocking the Journey is to embrace the full spectrum of what we experience, and what we want, as women. We are an intelligent community that can make our own decisions. But what we need is the right information to make informed choices. What we promise to provide is; well researched articles with leaders in the field on the latest best and most effective products, procedures and clinics and experiences and products that help us through difficult life events, including treatments for ill health.
We will keep a close eye on the ethical and sustainable part of the beauty industry too and be mindful that we don’t want to use anything that unnecessarily hurts any living being or our planet. We also really hope to play a role in changing the persistent use of unnecessary packaging which seems rife in this market.
We see our community as being BEAUTY PIONEERS set to educate the beauty industry that it just isn’t cool to use 25 year old models to advertise anti-ageing products or to persist in using out dated terms like “anti-ageing” and “turning back the clock”.
We will always be bold, opinionated and strong, but our campaigning will come with a smile, a wink and a hug - as we believe that it is this combination that has the power to move mountains
Make sure you get your voice heard and join our community of spirited women who want to live the best possible life in the age that they are in right now.