Rock My Age sets out on its journey


"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”

- Maya Angelou

And so today (23rd June, 2020) our Rock My Age journey takes off. Where it will go, we do not know. But we are certain that we are in for one hell of ride, as we seek to boldly step into fresh new territory around women and age!

Our mission is to create a space where women like us - spirited, curious, ambitious women - can lead/share/celebrate conversations/skills and wisdom around the pleasure that comes with being happy in the age we are in right now.

With lifestyle content, coaching and wise living retreats we are all about enhancing women's wellbeing and opportunities in life and work. We are passionate about rewriting the narrative on age and creating a positive legacy for the next generation of women.

Sure we want to shake things up a bit; but always with a wink and a smile (isn’t that our most potent female force - that heady combination of soft and strong but with a touch of humour). We want to call time, once and for all, on the mythical narrative that’s persistent in the media, that women would want to hide their age, or be obsessed with “looking younger” or be prevented from doing anything at all because of their age.

It is all nonsense! But we do recognise that some women sometimes feel less than, judged or discriminated against simply because of their age. This is not ok.

The figures and facts speak for themselves. Us midlife and older women are the healthiest and wealthiest of a generation. We have power ladies, loads of it. We think that the media, the advertisers, the marketeers are slowly waking up to this - budgets alone will drive their interest - but we think there’s a lot of work to do to ensure that all women, whatever their age, are empowered and inspired to live the life that they want to lead. And so many more of us are doing amazing new and different things with our lives - showing that life is full of wonder and magic at any age. It really is there for the taking.

We have a hunch that there are quite a few women out there who may want to join our ride? We so hope so and we are so looking forward to meeting more of you and hearing your amazing stories. One thing I know having worked as a journalist for so many years, women our age often have the best of all stories. And often full of laughter, humility and fun.

I guess Erika and I share a kind of bohemian spirit around our journey, our lives, the way we view the World. We want to live full on, unconventional lives right to the very end - but we are also driven by deep values of love, compassion, community and ethical living. We truly do believe, in the words of Madeleine Albright, “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”

I believe that Erika and I were destined to meet. As our dear friend, and Master Yoga and Tai Chi “guru”Sue Woodd says “when we work on our internal worlds enough a soul knows a like minded soul when it finds it.” I think this speaks to the beautiful friendship that Erika and I have built and to the many many gorgeous women who we surround ourselves with. We will be showcasing so many of them/us on the Rock My Age Platform. Successful business women, women who lead in charitable sectors, entrepreneurs or women just doing amazing women things. We will dig deep beneath the surface to reveal the humanity and those golden nuggets of wisdom that these women have. We will build a rich depository of wisdom that we, or future generations, can dip into whenever we/they want.

But we are certainly not setting out to paint a rosey picture of midlife and the World in general. Gosh such bad things are happening now. But we do believe fundamentally in hope and lifting others up. We know through our own lives that sometimes the world goes very dark indeed and that ultimately we have very little control on external events. But we are driven and united in our belief that if we can get our internal worlds right well that is when the magic truly happens. We can live our best, our most luminous, most valuable life for every minute we are blessed to be on this earth.

Rock My Age is for you if you have a huge open curious heart, ambition and a passion for life long learning and development and/or if you just want come along and have a whole lot of fun.


Debbie x


Madam, stand away from that bottle!


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